A New Year Threshold Ritual

This ritual is meant to be done in a few days span. Trust in your timing. Take your sweet time contemplating these questions and doing the practices. And more than anything, enjoy the ride!

1. 2020 Closure ~ wrap up unfinished business. From writing that pending letter, to burning those old letters, to unsubscribing to newsletters/commercial emails that don’t feel nourishing…to donating any clothes and clutter that don’t bring you joy.

What “stuff” are you ready to leave in 2020? It’s time to clear the energetic stickiness that does not serve. Take a day to wrap things up…the practical and the emotional.

2. 2020 Overview ~ on your journal, reflect on the following questions:

  • When did you feel most aligned and inspired?

  • What parts of yourself did you consciously embody and honor more?

  • Who/what supported you? Who/what challenged you? What did your learn from the challenge/support?

  • What and who did you prioritize this year? How do you feel about this? What need to change/shift?

  • What parts of yourself did not receive enough support and attention? -What do you know now about yourself now that you did not know in early 2020? Savor your awakenings.

  • If it was a challenging year (like it was for most of us), what was the gift? Look for the opportunity there and celebrate the things that your learned about yourself in the process. 2020 was full of strange and unexpected gifts. (*gifts aren’t always pretty or sweet)

3. 2020 gratitude and celebration ~ to expand on the last point, I want to invite you to create a collage of all the things that went well and were beautiful about this past year. Gratitude is a beautiful doorway into rewiring our psyche out of the old, disempowered ways, shifting your brain chemistry so that you can create and manifest more of the aligned YES’s in your life! (Feel the YES in your sacral area. The universe loves when you long from here!)

Gratitude is the doorway into potent transformation…walk through it

4. Dreaming into 2021 ~ Journal about the woman you long to be in 2021. Focus on WHO you want to become rather than what you want to get. This is a key difference in the manifestation process! Who you long to be comes from your embodied wise woman…what you want to get comes from your ego and the ego…well it’d far less powerful. 

Take some time to BE with your wise woman. Give her full permission to embody what she’s longing for. Notice how it feels in the body to have that (a sense of ease, an abundant business, a nourishing partnership, fabulous sisterhood) and move your body from this place.

What are you ready to receive? open up to it in your body and…Consider it done

Go to town with all of your senses! Future visualizations are powerful seeds that fuel your desire and create the beginning of your new reality. When done from a place of reverent longing, they are the doorway into the most aligned YOU. 

You are powerful beyond measure. Seeds planted with devotion and desire will sprout and bloom.

5. Prayers for 2021 ~ I’m in love with prayer lately. When you remove the dogmatic associations many of us have to it, a prayer is simply a spell, an incantation spoken out loud and shared with the Universe (your guides, the angels, your spirit animals,  Goddess, your ancestors and/or whoever is sacred in your world) who will support you in the reverberation and expansion of this frequency. I know it sounds super woo-woo and at the end of the day, it’s quantum science. :) Examples of prayer: “I recognize the wise woman in me”, “may I soften and receive”, “I’m surrounded by love, I love myself” “I create magic, I celebrate the abundance within and around me”.

6. Crossing the threshold into 2021 ~ once you have completed the previous steps and 2021 arrives (yay 2021), I encourage you to find a place in nature to create a physical threshold and cross it. You can make a line in the sand/soil or create a line of rocks. You can visualize the threshold between two trees or other natural beings/objects. Approach the threshold and take a few deep breaths, seeing what you are leaving behind and dropping into your heart and womb space, connecting with your intentions and desires (feel them in your body!)…..and with queenly sovereignty….step into the new chapter of your wildly magical life.

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