On remothering yourself

To remother ourselves is to recognize the ways in which our relationship with our birth mother, family of origin and cultural conditioning keep us from embodying our most aligned, authentic selves. 

Rooted in the archetype of the Great Mother, this sacred work invites us to bring awareness to our inner landscape and lovingly wash the old ways with care. In the process, we meet and cultivate a relationship with our Inner Mother, she who is fiercely devoted to us walking and speaking our truths and being of service to the world. 

It is time to truly come home and create an inner sense of safety so that we can thrive and lead the life we know that we are here to live.

Once upon a time, I discovered that a lot of what I perceived unloveable in myself was directly connected to my mother’s disempowered experience of being in the world. As her daughter, I deeply wanted her to teach me how to love these parts. Today I recognize that the most important work I came here to do in this lifetime is to radically learn to love myself through it all and release my mother, myself (and all the women that came before us) from these Patriarchal stories that have kept us living in an imprisoned state of mind. The “I’m too much”, the “She’s better”, the “I’m unlovable”, the “I don’t deserve it” the “I’m so selfish” parts that have been passed down for many, many generations. To own our full power and set ourselves free, we women must welcome back and fall in love with all that we have learned to disown and reject in ourselves.