Lessons from my garden

A long time dream of mine came to fruition this summer. With the support of a plant whisperer neighbor, we planted a BIG garden and are now savoring the abundance of the August bounty. Throughout the process, I’ve been amazed at the parallels between tending to a garden and tending to our visions. After all, they are both manifestations of the life-giving, reciprocal and deeply nourishing qualities of the Sacred Feminine. 

Teachings I’m gathering: 

  1. Faith. Just like the very small seeds first planted in April, visions often begin this way. A soft whisper, a subtle YES pulsing through your body, an image that stirs something deep within. As I placed the tiny seeds in the soil back in April, I also visualized the plant in full fruition. I knew we had a long way to go and I chose to trust in the miracle. Are you willing to trust in what is calling you? 

  2. Nourishment. Fertile soil and good light are key for a seed to be happy and sprout upwards. What are the conditions you need to create to support you with moving towards the vision? Maybe it's tending to your body or finding a group or coach to keep you accountable.Or maybe it's saying YES to carving space to be with lady inspiration. What are the nutrients needed for a sustainable rise? Inquire within and follow through with a plan that keeps you and your vision nourished. Biweekly mushroom compost tea (yup, it's a thing and it's magical!) keeps my garden thriving. 

  3. Commitment. There is a Goddess called Parvati. Since the time she was a little girl, she knew that her mission was to win Lord Shiva’s heart. With the devotion of a true yogini, for eons and eons, she stood practicing at the entrance of his cave...until he finally came out of his deep meditative grief and saw her. In the same way (but far less dramatic), a garden and your visions require tending to. The daily watering, the weeding, the protecting it from pests taking over. Ultimately It's all about presence. Do you create spaces to be present with/for your vision? A combination of visualizing (dreaming into) and taking aligned action is often where the magic is at. :)

  4. Delight. As you probably know, the first bite into that perfectly sun-kissed tomato is heaven. But so is watching the plant get stronger and stronger every day through sunshine, water and song. Finding pleasure in your journey is medicine. Celebrating the woman you are becoming in the process of turning towards your vision is radically beautiful. Are you pausing to savor and celebrate your becoming?

  5. Receptivity. The plants have taught me a lot about the art of receiving...unapologetically. Their green consciousness does not lose time in “not enough”, “don’t deserve”, “I’m too much.” Instead they open each and every vessel and say “YES, thank you!” Imagine moving towards your vision from this place!

  6. Interconnectedness. Plants are constantly communicating and supporting each other. The corn plant grows tall so that the bean plant can swirl around it. The pumpkin grows low and with its big and prickly leaves, protects the quality of the soil. Your visions do not exist in a vacuum. In fact, I know they come from a place of deep longing to be of service and benefit to your world. Remember that like the plants, you are not alone. There are many beings around you that want to co-create magic and see you thrive. Allow the three sisters (corn, beans and squash) to remind you of the ways of sacred reciprocity. Who is your ally on this vision quest? And if you are in need of more allies, where can you find them? 

I hope some of these lessons resonate. Now, I will head out to do a little weeding and think of you, courageously infusing your tiny seeds of possibility with faith and love. 

Hasta pronto.

Karina MariaComment